Top Twenty Plants for Kids

This list is taken from Lovejoy’s Roots, Shoots , Buckets and Boots


  1. Pumpkins of all shapes sizes and colors
  2. Sunflowers
  3. Gourds
  4. Corn
  5. Berries
  6. Hollyhocks
  7. Carrots
  8. Mimosas
  9. Poppies
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Alliums
  12. Trees
  13. Potatoes
  14. Woolly Lamb’s Ear
  15. Four O’clocks
  16. Evening Primroses
  17. Radishes
  18. Nasturtium
  19. Moon Plants
  20. Lemon Balm

I would add

  1. Mint
  2. Parsley
  3. Lavender
  4. Basil
  5. Beans
  6. Strawberries
  7. Ground cherries
  8. Peppers
  9. Cucumbers
  10. Squash

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