What are the essential needs and assets of children in relation to the arts, education and culture in order for all children to become creative, visionary, interdependent people capable of participating in democratic, sustainable, equitable, multi-cultural, vibrant communities? Let’s explore how childhood is represented in culture and how this informs the way we take care of and educate children. What does “growing up” mean and what could it mean? I outline practical strategies to nurture, support, inspire, encourage and cultivate “habitudes” that all children need to grow up and become the wonderful human beings they already are. How can we hand over the artistic means of production to the children we would liberate from dominant forms of control and power? How can we help them become the co-creators of new worlds and wise stewards of the earth?

Children and Meditation

Meditating with Children It is never too early to start meditating with children, doing yoga and movement with kids, and integrating some sort of mindfulness practice with your children at…