The fundamental mode of every child’s growth, learning and development is play. Here we do the pragmatic and utopian work of reimagining the earth as a vast playground, a garden of earthly delights, that we must cherish and nurture. How can we help children play and develop the “hundred languages” of childhood? How can we reignite a play culture throughout the different domains of society and make it part of the fundamental fabric of our lives?

Read more about the article Things to Do With Kids, January 2023
While hiking up to the top of Whitney Peak we encountered this young deer with its winter coat!

Things to Do With Kids, January 2023

Mary Holland, in her indispensable tome Naturally Curious, describes January as a month of endurance in the natural world. For parents who want to raise "wild children" ("wild" in the…

Read more about the article What do with kids in September
Is there anything more exciting to a child than touching or holding a frog?

What do with kids in September

  Richard Louv has argued persuasively in Last Child in the Woods and the Nature Principle that children in particular, and modern urban and suburban society in general, suffers from…